Medinge Group | Academy

Making Better Decisions in Challenging Times

In the fast-paced and complex world we live in, businesses and their leaders face a multitude of challenges, from environmental sustainability to societal well-being.

The expectations placed upon organisations go beyond mere profitability— stakeholders demand a commitment to conscientious innovation, responsible growth and positive impact. And it’s up to you, as a leader, to drive change not just within your organisation but across your industry.

Embracing Responsibility in Today’s Business Landscape

How are you embracing these challenges, both for your company and for yourself?


  • All Eyes are on You
  • Empowering Leaders for a Sustainable Future
  • Tailored to Empower Leaders
  • The Right Course to Fit Your Needs

All Eyes are on You

Now, more than ever, stakeholders are looking to leaders for guidance and inspiration. Your decisions are scrutinised not only for their financial impact but also for their societal and environmental implications. To navigate these challenging times, you need a clear vision and a strong sense of purpose—a moral and ethical compass guiding you toward a future that’s not only profitable but sustainable and ethical.

Empowering Leaders for a Sustainable Future

The Medinge Academy, the educational branch of the international Medinge Group, offers a transformative learning experience designed to equip leaders with the tools and mindset needed to navigate ethical dilemmas and drive meaningful change within their organisations.

Tailored to Empower Leaders

Our courses are designed to foster critical thinking, Socratic dialogue and ethical reflection, and the cultivation of a strong moral and ethical compass. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of modern leadership with confidence and integrity.

The Right Course to Fit Your Needs

Explore our range of programmes, from Bachelor’s and Master’s courses to Executive Education and specialised “Boot Camp” experiences for senior executives. Embrace the challenges of leadership and learn to inspire others while making a positive impact on the world. Enrol today and lead with conscience at The Medinge Academy.

For leaders that want to act on a moral compass

Our education will help you Act on a Moral Compass – by offering you a better set of tools to decide which direction to take at moments of discernment.

You will learn

How to think critically, how to question assumptions, how to facilitate acting together and how to be a role model

You will be challenged to

Think about modern leadership dilemmas and paradoxes

Applying different methodologies

Dialogue, creative thinking, design thinking, socratic questioning, sharing ideas. Aligning theory and practice.

Teaching at renowned institutions

We currently teach at Esade Business School Barcelona, Edinburgh Napier University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, and Kristiania University College Oslo.

Pioneering in the field since 2000

We’ve been exploring conscientious branding and leadership for over two decades, and we have published our research in multiple books and articles.

A blend of academia and practice

Our international team consists of academics, practitioners and leading consultants, offering a unique mix of theoretical knowledge and practical expertise.

Enrol today or add this to your educational programme

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The Medinge Group

We are an international think tank that aims to inspire leaders to develop conscientious organisations and brands. We research, publish, educate, speak, coach, mentor and debate. For the greater good of the planet and people.

Download our Brochure here

Participation is at the heart of what we do to; generate,
share and promote ideas, best practices, and new ways of being

Let's talk!
Cristián SaraccoAcademy