All posts tagged: philosophy

Generation Co: reconnecting with nature

‘The Lagoon is like a mirror. There’s not a boat to be seen, the water is crystal clear, and schools of little fish are swimming in the canals. We have a gondola landing at our entrance, and we are seeing little crabs crawling up the gondola poles. Ducks are nesting on the vaporetto docks, and

The cinnamon dream

Viktor, a Russian friend of mine interested in the philosophical dimension of branding, and I are riding through California towards the Nevada border, following the route we got two weeks before from Stanley Moss at a dinner in the Ritz–Carlton Hotel, in Virginia.

Berkeley on branding: ‘If nobody sees your adverts. Does your brand still exist?’

The title of this short essay is a barely amusing paraphrase of the famous quotation from Bishop George Berkeley (1685–1753). Berkeley was an idealist, which means, in philosophical terms, that he believed that mind predominates over matter. In fact Berkeley was something of an extremist among idealists, believing that matter, or the material world, does not actually exist at all.

Conscientious brands

What is a conscientious brand? This article explores the key features of a conscientious brand and the implications for brand management.

Freedom, happiness and fulfilment

Happiness is an illusory ideal which is neither the basis for working in an organization nor for managing it. It is more about the quest to find meaning in our lives and to attain a sense of fulfilment.

ET or TE?

The authors contrast the approaches and personalities of Thomas A. Edison and Nikola Tesla, and how the two types contribute to successful teams in modern organizations.