
Online branding explained in new paper

Wellington, August 21 (JY&A Media) After finding that there were few resources explaining the nature of online branding, Jack Yan decided to write his own for his consulting firm, JY&A Consulting, and for the Medinge Group branding think-tank in Sweden, meeting at the end of this month.    ‘There were anecdotal articles,’ he explains, ‘and

Malcolm Allan to address Mackinac Policy Conference in June 2006

Stockholm, Seal Beach, Calif., and Wellington, May 5 (JY&A Media) Malcolm Allan, a member of the Medinge Group, has accepted an invitation to address the Detroit Regional Chamber’s annual Mackinac Policy Conference on Thursday, June 1, 2006. The Detroit Regional Chamber is the largest metro chamber in the USA and their Mackinac Policy Conference is

2006 Brands with a Conscience Winners announced

The Medinge Group, an international think-tank on branding and business, today releases its third annual Top Brands with a Conscience list. In the Group’s opinion, these nine brands show that it is possible for brands to succeed as they contribute to the betterment of the society by sustainable, socially responsible and humanistic behaviour. The international

2005 Brands with a Conscience Winners announced

International think tank announces 2005 Top Brands With A Conscience 20 December 2004 The Medinge Group, an international think-tank on branding and business, today releases its second annual ‘Top Brands With a Conscience’ list. In the Group’s opinion, these brands show that it is possible for brands to contribute to the betterment of the society.

2004 Brands with a Conscience Winners announced

International think-tank announces ‘Top Brands with a Conscience’ 3 November 2003 Portland, OR and Wellington, New Zealand (JY&A Media). The Medinge Group, a high-level international think-tank on branding and business, releases its first annual ‘Top Brands With a Conscience’ list. Announcement of the list coincides with the launch of the new book Beyond Branding: How