All posts tagged: branding

Beyond corporate social responsibility

For many, CSR has been seen as a sticking plaster that could heal a company's reputation and improve its appeal. How can we make CSR a core idea inside companies?

Brands with a Conscience: a subjective assessment

In January 2011, the Medinge Group’s annual Brands with a Conscience (BWAC) awards will be announced for their eighth consecutive year. What does this term represent? What are the awards, how were they created, how are they decided, who has won in the past and how can they be viewed in retrospect?

The Medinge Group to conduct second round table at La Sorbonne in January 2010

Stockholm, Seal Beach, Calif. and Wellington, September 28 The Medinge Group, a Stockholm-based think-tank on international branding, will conduct a round table discussion at the CELSA campus of La Sorbonne in Paris on Friday afternoon, January 29, 2010. The group will share ideas which help the business community to understand the brand discipline, monitor its

Who’s kidding who?

An English-language version of d’Huy’s article ‘Nul ne peut se jouer des signes’.

Turning Discord Into Harmony

Ultimately, change is simply what happens to us all, all of the time. The lesson is not in the amount of change we can handle, but in the way we manage that change.

Demythologizing the McElroy Memo

In 1931 a young P&G executive wrote a document which proved crucial to the formation of ideas about contemporary brand management. But attitudes about branding have since grown up around the memo's opportunistic policies. This article deconstructs McElroy's directives, reassessing our perspectives on how brands need to be viewed in today's post-globalisation strategic universe.

International think-tank announces 2009 Brands with a Conscience awards

Stockholm, Seal Beach, Calif. and Wellington, January 1 (JY&A Media) The Medinge Group (, an international think-tank on branding and business, today releases its sixth annual Brands with a Conscience list. In the Group’s opinion, these diverse organizations show that it is possible for brands to succeed as they contribute to the betterment of society