All posts tagged: Event

Regeneration: Leading with Conscience

Do the Right Thing while Building a Successful Organization Medinge Group and Edinburgh Napier University are hosting an interactive forum with experts and conscientious leaders from the business, public and third sectors in Scotland at Edinburgh Napier University’s Craiglockhart campus on April 25, 2024. Join us for a stimulating exchange of ideas, perspectives and real-world

Medinge presents Conscientious Innovation at DOGA in Oslo on September 28, 2023

Members of Medinge Group will present Conscientious Innovation: are we all screwed, or can we design for social and environmental progress whilst still creating value? on September 28, 2023, from 9.30 to 16.00 at DOGA (Design og arkitektur Norge), part of Oslo Innovation Week.       Find out what the global head of couture at

BlueCity Rotterdam

CANCELLED Medinge Spring Event, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 the event is cancelled this year. We hope to re-program in 2021. Do follow us online at LinkedIn.  On behalf of all Medinge members we wish you strength and lots of health in these times. Branding is strategy. Culture. Actions. Engagement. An intensely strong way to commit people and