All posts tagged: social responsibility

Generation Co on society: from me to we

We know different societies vary in terms of their orientation towards individualism (me) and collectivism (we), rooted in their histories, political systems and cultural values.1 We also know that the orientation—from Asian Confucianism to northern European social democracy to American individualism—has consequences in terms of social trust and cohesion.2 What we have seen, in the

Enough, already!

This article is based on a presentation I gave to an audience of MBA alumni from ESADE, the Spanish business school, on September 26, 2012. The title is borrowed from that well known phrase New Yorkers use to express their feelings of ‘Enough.’ It’s often spoken with great emotion and a sense of exasperation about

Why More Brands Now ‘Have a Conscience’

An historically significant article written in 2004 examining the intellectual and semiotic underpinnings of brands with conscience. It is published with the permission of the estate of Colin Morley; his vision helped shaped Medinge’s yearly Brands with a Conscience awards, inspiring our yearly presentation to an NGO, named in his memory.