All posts tagged: corporate conscience

Conscientious innovation: is it possible?

An Oslo Innovation Week Event 28 September 2023 At the moment the world and our societies are at a tipping point: extreme weather patterns, huge gaps between rich and poor, social and economic exclusion, polarized societies, migration from conflict, poverty and environmental degradation. For those of us working with innovation, do the fruits of our

Nicholas Ind and Oriol Iglesias’s In Good Conscience scores glowing reviews

Christopher Walker’s review of Nicholas Ind and Oriol Iglesias’s In Good Conscience: Do the Right Thing While Building a Profitable Business gives an accurate description of what the authors were trying to convey.       ‘The authors of this thought-provoking book advocate the importance of corporate conscience and call for a move away from corporate

Out now in Forbes: will Generation Co and conscientious organizations save our world?

Out now in Forbes is a thought-piece worked on by Oriol Iglesias and numerous members of Medinge Group, entitled ‘Will Generation Co and conscientious organizations save our world?’ This differs from the earlier piece on this site. As outlined earlier, there is a Generation Co that’s not bound by age, but by shared values, acknowledging

Conscious leadership: in search of prosperity

This article was previously published as a chapter in the book Leadership Talks (2010), edited by De Baak Management Centre in the Netherlands. It proposes that there is no future for any organization without a conscious leadership.