All posts tagged: finance

Finding today’s local heroes

The author by the iconic phone box from the film Local Hero. Forty years ago, in 1983, the film Local Hero was released. The director, Bill Forsyth, won a BAFTA, its red telephone box became an icon of Scottish cinema, and its theme, by Mark Knopfler, still echoes, especially when Newcastle United run out on

Facebook and Cambridge Analytica: when finance follows brand

Facebook’s woes over Cambridge Analytica have only prompted one reaction from me: I told you so. While I never seized upon this example, bravely revealed to us by whistleblower Christopher Wylie and reported by Carole Cadwalladr and Emma Graham-Harrison of The Guardian, Facebook has shown itself to be callous about private data, mining preferences even

Getting inspiration from Douglas Rushkoff

I’ve had a 52 Insights interview with Douglas Rushkoff open in a Firefox tab for nearly half a year. It’s a fascinating piece, and I consider Douglas to be spot on with a lot of his viewpoints. I’ve revisited it from time to time and enjoyed what Douglas has had to say. Here are a

Conscious leadership: in search of prosperity

This article was previously published as a chapter in the book Leadership Talks (2010), edited by De Baak Management Centre in the Netherlands. It proposes that there is no future for any organization without a conscious leadership.

Beyond corporate social responsibility

For many, CSR has been seen as a sticking plaster that could heal a company's reputation and improve its appeal. How can we make CSR a core idea inside companies?