All posts tagged: innovation

Conscientious innovation: is it possible?

An Oslo Innovation Week Event 28 September 2023 At the moment the world and our societies are at a tipping point: extreme weather patterns, huge gaps between rich and poor, social and economic exclusion, polarized societies, migration from conflict, poverty and environmental degradation. For those of us working with innovation, do the fruits of our

Getting inspiration from Douglas Rushkoff

I’ve had a 52 Insights interview with Douglas Rushkoff open in a Firefox tab for nearly half a year. It’s a fascinating piece, and I consider Douglas to be spot on with a lot of his viewpoints. I’ve revisited it from time to time and enjoyed what Douglas has had to say. Here are a

Enough, already!

This article is based on a presentation I gave to an audience of MBA alumni from ESADE, the Spanish business school, on September 26, 2012. The title is borrowed from that well known phrase New Yorkers use to express their feelings of ‘Enough.’ It’s often spoken with great emotion and a sense of exasperation about

ET or TE?

The authors contrast the approaches and personalities of Thomas A. Edison and Nikola Tesla, and how the two types contribute to successful teams in modern organizations.

Business, Brand, Innovation and Design

The Journal of the Medinge Group, vol. 1, no. 1, 2007 Ava Maria Hakim  IBM Global Solutions, Business Transformation Outsourcing Microsoft Word version Thomas Watson, who helped grow one of the first truly global organizations, is quoted as saying ‘Good design is good business’. For the maverick of IBM, ‘Design must reflect the practical