All posts tagged: sustainability

Conscientious innovation: is it possible?

An Oslo Innovation Week Event 28 September 2023 At the moment the world and our societies are at a tipping point: extreme weather patterns, huge gaps between rich and poor, social and economic exclusion, polarized societies, migration from conflict, poverty and environmental degradation. For those of us working with innovation, do the fruits of our

Don’t resign, but re-sign: fighting climate change is in our hands

We have not failed yet. There is too much resignation in the whole climate change discussion for me. However, the word resignation is derived from the Latin word resignare and means not only to give up, but also to make a new contract with oneself. Maybe we need a re-signing. A new contract between us

Out now in Forbes: will Generation Co and conscientious organizations save our world?

Out now in Forbes is a thought-piece worked on by Oriol Iglesias and numerous members of Medinge Group, entitled ‘Will Generation Co and conscientious organizations save our world?’ This differs from the earlier piece on this site. As outlined earlier, there is a Generation Co that’s not bound by age, but by shared values, acknowledging

Enough, already!

This article is based on a presentation I gave to an audience of MBA alumni from ESADE, the Spanish business school, on September 26, 2012. The title is borrowed from that well known phrase New Yorkers use to express their feelings of ‘Enough.’ It’s often spoken with great emotion and a sense of exasperation about

Beyond corporate social responsibility

For many, CSR has been seen as a sticking plaster that could heal a company's reputation and improve its appeal. How can we make CSR a core idea inside companies?

Brands with a Conscience: a subjective assessment

In January 2011, the Medinge Group’s annual Brands with a Conscience (BWAC) awards will be announced for their eighth consecutive year. What does this term represent? What are the awards, how were they created, how are they decided, who has won in the past and how can they be viewed in retrospect?