All posts tagged: technology

Getting inspiration from Douglas Rushkoff

I’ve had a 52 Insights interview with Douglas Rushkoff open in a Firefox tab for nearly half a year. It’s a fascinating piece, and I consider Douglas to be spot on with a lot of his viewpoints. I’ve revisited it from time to time and enjoyed what Douglas has had to say. Here are a

TGIM! Rethinking the workplace

The ideas behind workplaces have not changed in a century, and they need to be re-evaluated to maximize team well-being, says Erika Uffindell.

Twenty-first-century slaves

Cristián Saracco asks: with our reliance on technology, are we enslaving ourselves by giving up our independent thinking?

Belle Époque 2·0

The authors look at our times and wonder whether the world is on the brink of a second Belle Époque, a new era of humanistic thought and progress.