All posts tagged: Cristián Saracco

For your listening pleasure: Medinge members on podcasts

Medinge Group members have been creating some excellent, thought-provoking podcasts lately. Here is a sampling of several recent ones. From November 2020, Nicholas Ind mentioned Medinge Group and SAP in this podcast with Mark Stinson. Nicholas wrote this afterwards as a follow-up. Sandra Horlings was interviewed in January about responsible brands and how to strengthen

Get Connected!

Invited by fellow Medinge member Oriol Iglesias, Peter Fischer Brown, Giuseppe Cavallo, Simon Paterson and Cristián Saracco, participated in an ESADE ExEd programme on brand and reputation management in Madrid

Five Keys to Building a Purpose

When creating a company with a sense of permanence and transcendence, it’s almost a fact that the first concept to be defined –implicitly or explicitly, is its purpose.

Twenty-first-century slaves

Cristián Saracco asks: with our reliance on technology, are we enslaving ourselves by giving up our independent thinking?