All posts tagged: Sandra Horlings

What it takes to be a brand with a conscience and insights from Dutch Design Week

Sandra Horlings and Erika Uffindell, both members of Medinge, discuss the themes and learnings coming out of attendance of Dutch Design Week and share their thoughts and ideas on the big themes that are challenging and guiding todays brands: the importance of elevating planet before profit, stopping creating “more” things, new concepts on circularization and

For your listening pleasure: Medinge members on podcasts

Medinge Group members have been creating some excellent, thought-provoking podcasts lately. Here is a sampling of several recent ones. From November 2020, Nicholas Ind mentioned Medinge Group and SAP in this podcast with Mark Stinson. Nicholas wrote this afterwards as a follow-up. Sandra Horlings was interviewed in January about responsible brands and how to strengthen

Truth and Purpose in the Age of Alternative Facts

With more populist fronts rising across Europe, it is clear that populism is here to stay. In order to mitigate its effects, we have to continue researching how it forms and experimenting with ways to effectively inform the population.

Make me a Proud Contributor

That’s what Millennials want out of brands in a Circular Economy. At our Spring Event in Seville, Spain, we discussed Brands’ search for Meaning

The impact of grass roots’ branding

Branding can be a tool to improve the lives of communities in some of the remotest parts of the world. Sandra Horlings provides a first-hand example of her work to lift the well-being of refugee communities in India.