All posts tagged: society

Don’t resign, but re-sign: fighting climate change is in our hands

We have not failed yet. There is too much resignation in the whole climate change discussion for me. However, the word resignation is derived from the Latin word resignare and means not only to give up, but also to make a new contract with oneself. Maybe we need a re-signing. A new contract between us

Generation Co on society: from me to we

We know different societies vary in terms of their orientation towards individualism (me) and collectivism (we), rooted in their histories, political systems and cultural values.1 We also know that the orientation—from Asian Confucianism to northern European social democracy to American individualism—has consequences in terms of social trust and cohesion.2 What we have seen, in the

Will Generation Co and conscientious organizations save our world?

Everyone says coronavirus and the resulting deep recession will change everything. The Great Pause and the Great Restoration of the last weeks will finally make us a more caring, united and responsible community. They are wrong. The double-crisis of the virus and the recession aren’t a revolution. But they are a radical acceleration of trends

Getting inspiration from Douglas Rushkoff

I’ve had a 52 Insights interview with Douglas Rushkoff open in a Firefox tab for nearly half a year. It’s a fascinating piece, and I consider Douglas to be spot on with a lot of his viewpoints. I’ve revisited it from time to time and enjoyed what Douglas has had to say. Here are a

Enough, already!

This article is based on a presentation I gave to an audience of MBA alumni from ESADE, the Spanish business school, on September 26, 2012. The title is borrowed from that well known phrase New Yorkers use to express their feelings of ‘Enough.’ It’s often spoken with great emotion and a sense of exasperation about

Belle Époque 2·0

The authors look at our times and wonder whether the world is on the brink of a second Belle Époque, a new era of humanistic thought and progress.