All posts tagged: branding

Branding manifesto by Cottonbro

A Conscientious Branding Manifesto

Conscientious brands can create a positive impact and achieve long-term success while staying true to their unique identity and purpose.

Don’t resign, but re-sign: fighting climate change is in our hands

We have not failed yet. There is too much resignation in the whole climate change discussion for me. However, the word resignation is derived from the Latin word resignare and means not only to give up, but also to make a new contract with oneself. Maybe we need a re-signing. A new contract between us

The Medinge brand salon: what does the future of fashion, food and finance look like?

Medinge’s London meeting took place on September 22, with a “salon” format. Attendees could attend the brand salon, the fashion salon, the finance salon, or the food salon. By gathering experts in individual panel discussions, everyone was encouraged to get involved, not just take notes. The day was dedicated to the late Sergei Mitrofanov, a

Philippe Mihailovich and Caroline Taylor’s book on haute and luxury brands out

Already named one of the top branding books of 2021 by The Branding Journal, Philippe Mihailovich and Caroline Taylor’s Haute ‘Luxury’ Branding: the High Luxury Pyramid has appeared in a US English edition, fresh for 2022.       Medinge Group co-chair Jack Yan authored the foreword, and Philippe Mihailovich had been a long-time member of

What it takes to be a brand with a conscience and insights from Dutch Design Week

Sandra Horlings and Erika Uffindell, both members of Medinge, discuss the themes and learnings coming out of attendance of Dutch Design Week and share their thoughts and ideas on the big themes that are challenging and guiding todays brands: the importance of elevating planet before profit, stopping creating “more” things, new concepts on circularization and

Out now in Forbes: will Generation Co and conscientious organizations save our world?

Out now in Forbes is a thought-piece worked on by Oriol Iglesias and numerous members of Medinge Group, entitled ‘Will Generation Co and conscientious organizations save our world?’ This differs from the earlier piece on this site. As outlined earlier, there is a Generation Co that’s not bound by age, but by shared values, acknowledging

Will Generation Co and conscientious organizations save our world?

Everyone says coronavirus and the resulting deep recession will change everything. The Great Pause and the Great Restoration of the last weeks will finally make us a more caring, united and responsible community. They are wrong. The double-crisis of the virus and the recession aren’t a revolution. But they are a radical acceleration of trends