All posts tagged: Nicholas Ind

Nicholas Ind and Oriol Iglesias’s In Good Conscience scores glowing reviews

Christopher Walker’s review of Nicholas Ind and Oriol Iglesias’s In Good Conscience: Do the Right Thing While Building a Profitable Business gives an accurate description of what the authors were trying to convey.       ‘The authors of this thought-provoking book advocate the importance of corporate conscience and call for a move away from corporate

For your listening pleasure: Medinge members on podcasts

Medinge Group members have been creating some excellent, thought-provoking podcasts lately. Here is a sampling of several recent ones. From November 2020, Nicholas Ind mentioned Medinge Group and SAP in this podcast with Mark Stinson. Nicholas wrote this afterwards as a follow-up. Sandra Horlings was interviewed in January about responsible brands and how to strengthen

Co-creating brands with a purpose

Customers do not passively wait for messages from on-high. Rather they discuss their brand experiences, share them in brand communities and voice their opinions to each other on social media

Beyond place branding

Place branding, as it is generally practised, can be a waste of taxpayers' money. Nicholas Ind says the model should be more participative, and that place branding should be at the forefront of democratization and engagement.

Conscientious brands

What is a conscientious brand? This article explores the key features of a conscientious brand and the implications for brand management.