Jack Yan

CSR is already woven into Māori leadership

I was fascinated to read a New Zealand Herald story on the Māori (the native people of New Zealand, or Aotearoa) asset base, though it wasn’t the financial part that hit me. What was more significant were the principles behind Māori businesses. About 15 years ago, when chatting to a woman representing a Māori winery,

Facebook and Cambridge Analytica: when finance follows brand

Facebook’s woes over Cambridge Analytica have only prompted one reaction from me: I told you so. While I never seized upon this example, bravely revealed to us by whistleblower Christopher Wylie and reported by Carole Cadwalladr and Emma Graham-Harrison of The Guardian, Facebook has shown itself to be callous about private data, mining preferences even

Getting inspiration from Douglas Rushkoff

I’ve had a 52 Insights interview with Douglas Rushkoff open in a Firefox tab for nearly half a year. It’s a fascinating piece, and I consider Douglas to be spot on with a lot of his viewpoints. I’ve revisited it from time to time and enjoyed what Douglas has had to say. Here are a

The components of digital branding and their effects on brand equity

Various market orientation and branding models are already familiar to a lot of academics and practitioners. However, the digital landscape, in particular social media, has given marketers a new set of concerns. Can these elements be brought together in a single model with positive consequences for brand equity?

Videos from the 2009 Brands with a Conscience ceremony

The following videos are from the Brands with a Conscience ceremony at MIP in Paris earlier this month, which the Medinge Group has been running for six years. The filming was done by Elmine Wijnia, wife of long-standing member Ton Zijlstra.    The first is a video introducing the ceremony, featuring Medinge chairman Thomas Gad,