Daniela Marzavan

Name + Mail Daniela Marzavan |
Current Company + Web CHANGE DARER | www.changedarer.com
Location Lisbon, Portugal.
Key expertise Design Thinking for Public and Business Innovation, Transformation Design, Policy Design
Years of experience More than 15 years.
Scope of experience Academic since 2009: Professor at Kristiania University College, Visiting Professor ESADE, and Edinburgh Napier University. Previously a brand consultant.
Previous companies Marzavan Innovation Agency, Betahaus Berlin.
Key clients German Ministry for Economic Development, GIZ, edp, VW, Mercedes Benz, BCG, P&G Executive Education Schools (ESCP Berlin, NOVA Business School, IADE Design School)
Education BA, M.A, Ph.D (candidate)
Books Creativity for a sustainable Future (Co-author), Collaborative design to bridge theory and practice in science communication (w/ Enzigmüller, C.), Creativity and Innovation Affairs: Are They or Are They Not…? (Co-author), A praxeological perspective on Innovation Management and Design Thinking, Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Ortsbestimmung des Medienmanagements: Design Thinking als Praktik im Management von Ungewissheit im beyond digital- Zeitalter (w/ Trommershausen, A.), Achieving sustainable innovation for organisations through the practice of Design Thinking: A case study in the German automotive industry (w/ Augsten, A.)
Speaking Female Entrepreneurship, Daring to Change, Innovation by Design, Meraki (putting Joy, Passion and a piece of yourself in what you do).
Cristián SaraccoDaniela Marzavan